God and the Gay Christian

A book study presented by the Open Door Committee: As a young man Matthew Vines harbored the same basic hopes of many young people: to someday share his life with someone, to build a family of his own, to give and receive love. But when he realized he was gay, those hopes were called into question. Feeling the tension between his understanding of the bible and the reality of his same-sex orientation, Vines devoted years of intensive research into what the bible says about homosexuality. Do biblical teachings on marriage covenant preclude same-sex marriage or not? How should we apply the teachings of Jesus to the gay debate? Can celibacy be a calling when it is mandated, not chosen? What did Paul have in mind when he warned against same-sex relations? Join us for 5 weeks as we dig deeper into the bible prepare to do some sincere soul searching. Led by Heather Blaszczyk: heather@gumonline.org

To sign up fill in form below. Please sign up by September 18 so books can be ordered.

*Childcare is now closed for this event.