Kid’s Time up front with Pastor Sherri Swanson.
Young Disciples is a dedicated ministry of GUMchurch that focuses on providing a safe, loving place for kids to explore their faith as well as nurture their relationship with both God and God's people. From birth through 12th grade, Young Disciples and their family find support from the GUM community as they journey toward a better understanding of God, Jesus, and our calling in God's world.
Nursery Ministries
0 - 3yrs
Kids from birth through age 3 will play and be loved on in the Nursery (just down the hall from the Sanctuary).
The purpose of the Nursery Ministry is to provide safe childcare for families and support parents in raising children who know Jesus so that both parents and children can actively live the example of Jesus.
Jesus tells us, "Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs." So we strive to help all of the children in nursery care encounter God in ways that are fun and age-appropriate.
The kids in nursery experience loving care from trained childcare providers while interacting with other kids, learning songs, hearing stories and building relationships within the GUM community.
Nursery and childcare services are available during all worship services as well as church classes, meetings, and other events.
For more information contact:
Young Disciples Ministries
4yrs - 12th Grade
The Mission of Young Disciples is to empower our Children and Youth to be rooted in God's Word and Grown in God's Love so they may branch out and bear fruit for the Kingdom of God.
Sunday School: Children will be invited up for Children's time and Scripture reading. They will then receive a blessing and be escorted to their classrooms by their teachers. Our lessons are based on the sermons that Pastor Marty offers in the sanctuary, therefore promoting continued family conversations surrounding the word of God, throughout the week.
4 years old - Gr. 6: At this time we offer Sunday School during the 10:00 service in various classrooms. If you have any questions or would like to help out, please contact Kerri DeZwaan.
“Edge” - 4TH - 6TH GRADERS
This fun group is made up of 4th through 6th graders which meets on the 2nd Sunday of every month. Special activities are scheduled to allow them to connect with others their age. Kids can expect games, small group discussions, food, and of course, a few surprises along the way!
EDGE meets on the second Sunday of each month, unless otherwise noted on the calendar. We meet from 4:00 - 6:00 PM in the Youth Room, by door F.
“Youth”- 7th -12th GRADERS
7th - 9th Grade Youth - Our Youth meet on the 2nd Sunday of each month through the school year, unless noted on our calendar. We meet from 6:00 -8:00 PM in the Youth Room by door F. We gather for dinner, study, games and connecting with others their age.
10th - 12th Grade Youth - Sr. High Youth meet on the 3rd Sunday of each month for Dinner & Discussion through the school year, unless noted on our calendar. We meet from 6:00 - 8:00 PM in the Youth Room by door F. We gather for dinner, study, games and connecting with others their age.
Prayer and Breakfast: Prayer and Breakfast will meet on the 2nd Sunday of most months during the morning Worship service at 10:00 in the Youth Room. We meet in the Youth Room. The Young people eat together and then engage in an interactive time of prayer following the Pray in Color format. They are led in prayer through prompts that they can express into a personal prayer journal. We then engage in corporate prayer, including any prayer requests that are brought forth.
We also offer summer gathering opportunities for our youth with focus on fun and activity! See the calendar or newsletter for more information regarding those events. For more information contact Kerri DeZwaan.