Mission and Service are essential parts of the way GUMC actively lives the example of Jesus. Listed here are many of the ways we carry out our vision, including hands-on opportunities as well as programs that can use financial support. Contact the church office for more information or to be referred to team leaders.

GUMC actively lives like Jesus by generously supporting a wide variety of programs and projects in our local community, state, nation and world. Most, but not all, of the programs we support are connected to the United Methodist Church, including our covenant relationships with missionaries, our Special Sunday offerings, disaster relief, and local outreach programs such as the UM Community House in Grand Rapids. Our Mission Team decides on the recipients and the level of support, balancing factors such as the type of mission and its location.

  • Be part of GUMC’s risk-taking mission and radical hospitality by helping to distribute and prepare food. For information contact Rainie Wolven: raindoug@aol.com

    Food distribution begins at 6:00 pm.

    2025 Dates

    Feb. 14

    April 11

    June 13

    Aug. 8

    Oct. 10

    Dec. 12

  • This ministry provides persons in need of comfort with a warm, hand-crafted shawl created while praying for them, to literally cover themselves with prayer. New knitters, crocheters or quilters are always welcome to join.

    This ministry meets in the library on the fourth Thursday of the month at 1:00; Contact Pat Haan if you are interested – path724@comcast.net.

  • This team of gardeners works to create an outside impression of GUMC that reflects a warm welcome to the community. They gather each Tuesday morning in the spring, summer and fall to plant, trim and weed.

    Our church landscaping team is looking for garden enthusiasts to beautify our grounds! For more information contact: Bev Hain- tombevh@yahoo.com


    Throughout each year, GUMchurch collects items that are donated in support of various ministry projects. Some are ongoing collections, some are for limited times only. Please take a look at the what the current collections are and see if you are able to help out:

    The pantry always needs donations of:

    Meat & Dairy

    Beef/ground beef



    Lunch meat

    Sliced or shredded cheese

    Personal Care Items





    Paper products

    Toilet tissue

    Facial tissue

    Paper towels


    Feminine supplies



    Cake/brownie mixes


    Ramen noodles/soup

    Fresh vegetables

    Egg cartons

    *The Community Cupboard pantry has a refrigerator and a freezer in addition to regular shelf space.

    Our food pantry is open on the first and third Tuesdays of each month beginning at 6:00pm.

    For information contact Rainie Wolven: raindoug@aol.com

  • GUMC partners with Hand2Hand which provides weekend meals to public school students who experience food insecurity. You can help by shopping, transporting food items to our assigned school, and especially supporting the program financially. Led by Joy Freud: freudejoy@hotmail.com

  • Georgetown United Methodist Church welcomes all people because Jesus welcomed all people, and we value living like Jesus as much as believing in Jesus. The hospitality and guest service teams ensures this value by making members, guests, and visitors feel welcome every Sunday.

    Ushers and greeters assist guests and worshipers alike to feel comfortable, safe and right at home. Offering radical hospitality to all is part of GUMC’s vision…and it’s a great way to meet people! For more information contact: Todd Avery at todd@gumonline.org