Online Giving allows our GUMchurch community to give their regular offering, a special offering, a memorial offering, or even support a specific project right from their computer. You can set it up to transfer the money to the church from your checking account, savings account, or other banking accounts. You may also choose to transfer the money from a debit or credit card. You can even submit an offering by text message! You can do a one-time offering or set up a recurring transaction.
Yes! Our online offering is managed by Vanco Services, a PCI (Payment Card Industry) Level 1 Compliant Service Provider who is also accredited by the Better Business Bureau with an “A+” rating.
No, all you need is access to the internet.
This method is extremely convenient for you and provides much-needed consistency for our church. It eliminates the need for offering envelopes and check writing. You no longer need to worry about bringing your checkbook to church! Plus, online offering makes it easy for you to get your offering in when you are traveling or otherwise unable to be at church.
Of course not! While you are encouraged to sign up, you certainly don’t have to!
No, you can set it up for weekly, biweekly, monthly or less often. It is up to the financial plan that works for you.
No, again, it is what works for you financially.
Yes, you control the dates, amounts etc. If your finances change you can change the amount you give. Just log in and make the adjustment. You can cancel at any time.
Yes! we now have an app that can accept your giving. Search for the app: Vanco Mobile in your app store and download. Once you have opened the app, enter the words Georgetown UMC, or search for churches close to you. It will walk you through the process step-by-step and is very simple to use. If you already have a Vanco account, please use the same user name and password. You will also be able to create a simple four-digit PIN for easy access. When giving online through our website or through this app, you may share a one-time gift or set up a recurring gift.
Yes, some people use their credit cards for this reason.
No, just log in with the name and password you chose and start from there.
For those of you who may not know about our online giving platform and how simple it is to use, giving through VANCO is easy. With this online program you have the option of setting up a recurring donation, or simply making a one-time contribution to General Operating, Property Improvement and/or any of the various special offerings and ministries we support.
· Click on “CREATE ACCOUNT OR LOG IN” under our Online Giving tab
· Choose “SIGN UP” (to create an account) or “LOG IN” (if you are a current user)
· Click on “OFFER SUPPORT” under the category you wish to donate to.
Provide the amount, frequency (one time or recurring), start date and “Add to Basket.”
A new option that is even quicker and done right while you are in church:
· Using your smartphone, scan the QR code on the card in your pew. You will be directly linked to the page listing the various options to offer your support. You will be led through the necessary steps to choose the category, add to basket, and finalize your desired support as described above.
Turn them into the office so they can be reused.
There are many advantages of giving through GUMchurch’s online offering instead of the bank. You are able to set up automatic recurring offerings, give to multiple funds, view a complete offering history and more. Also with online offering, GUMchurch is able to better track and post offerings.
Yes. You can log in to your account any time to make changes to how much you give, how often you give, which funds you give to, or to cancel any payments.
Yes, at this time there are no plans to change the way offering is received during our worship services.
Yes, for now, no changes will be made to how or when giving statements are sent out from the church office.