
Dear friends of GUM Church,

Greetings to you and yours!  I so miss seeing all of you, though I have enjoyed contact with some of you by phone, e-mail, cards, Facebook, etc. My prayers and best wishes are sent your way as we celebrate Christmas this week – in many different locations, yet one in spirit.

Of all the many names given to Jesus in the Bible, one of my favorites has always been “Emmanuel.” You probably know that this means: “God with us.”  This title appears at the beginning of Matthew’s gospel (Mt. 1:23) when it is explained how the child born to Mary & Joseph will fulfill an ancient prophecy from Isaiah. Throughout the rest of the gospel story, there are many examples of how Jesus shares God’s presence with the world through his words and his actions. Then, as the book comes to an end and Jesus prepares to leave the earth, his very last words are: “Remember, I am with you always.” (Mt. 28:20)

Brothers & sisters in Christ, God is with us – even amid a pandemic. We are not alone. What truly great good news! My prayer for you this Christmas is that you will sense God’s presence with you in a very real and special way. Further, I would like to encourage you to be God’s presence for someone else. Reach out with a phone call, a text message, an e-mail, a card, a drive-by visit or porch visit, a Zoom get-together, or whatever you can pull off.  May God’s love be expressed through you in this season which is challenging and disorienting for so many. And may the hope of brighter days in 2021 sustain you until we are able to gather safely once again. 

Love and blessings to you through our Savior – Emmanuel,

Pastor Sherri Swanson


Georgetown United Methodist Church • 2766 Baldwin Street • Jenison, Michigan 49428

 www.GUMonline.org • 616.669.0730 • Fax 616.669.5932