Event & Building Use Form


If you are looking to host an event at church, please fill out an event form so we can plan properly. Please remember: Members or constituents must be in attendance during the entire event and guests are expected to remain in the rented area. Keys signed out to the coordinators are not to be passed from person to person without the knowledge of the church office for security/insurance purposes.

All users:  Please carefully read the Building Use Agreement and check the box at the end of the form indicating you have read the agreement and on behalf of your group, or organization, agree to those terms. 

In addition, if through your event you are acting on behalf of GUM Church and/or it’s ministries and will be working with children, youth, and/or vulnerable adults, the GUM Church Child Protection Policy will be enforced and training for all leaders is required. Please email Kerri DeZwaan at kerri@gumonline.org to schedule training prior to your event.

For questions or concerns contact Amy Schuiling at amy@gumonline.org or call the church office 669-0730.